I've been doing some reflections about saying the word "No", without feeling guilty. I have to admit I'm still working on this.
However, when I talk about WHY it is difficult it has me questioning myself. In my experience, we avoid saying "no"
because we are afraid to get the other person upset. Then I think to myself, why am I ok with making myself uncomfortable
or upset just so that the other person is happy?.... Shouldn't it be the other way around?
For example, If I had plans to go get my nails done this weekend and just pamper myself, but my sister calls me to babysit
so that she can do what she needs to do. If I say No, does that make me a bad person? Who determines whether or not my plans
are more important than her plans. Who's plans should come first?
If I say No, will she get upset with me and cause tension in our relationship? Should I even be concerned with that? So many
questions come to mind. What are your thoughts? Share with me in the comments...
Taking the guesswork out of self-care.
Does Saying No Make You A Mean Person?